Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So much for our nght out....

Well we attempted to go to a movie, but it didn't work out. We left after Sarah was asleep, around 9pm to go to a movie. One hour into the movie, which is 2 hrs and 20 min long, my BIL called to say sarah had been hysterical for 20 min and wouldnt' calm down. So we went home where we found her crying and miserable...she wanted mommy and nothing else. I finally calmed her down and got her back to bed. But too late to go back to the movie. Oh well......this is life as a parent!


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...


I'm soooo sorry your movie didn't work out ....
that is such a bummer ...

I know... life is so different after you have kiddies....
My husband and I pretty much NEVER go out alone anymore....
it's sad!! I think the last time we went anywhere, just the two of us... it was to a Foster Parenting class....

We took Magoo to dinner the other night at PF Changs... and he was rotten to the core... cried the entire time!

I wanted to drop by for a hello!!!

I am very excited about the upcoming birth of your baby boy!!

kimcarm said...

I think a lot of Sarah's issue is the upcoming baby, she is excited but is really worried that mommy wont' have time for her she just needs lots of reassurance and comfort. We can always see the movie on DVD. Thanks for stopping by, it won't be long now and our little man will be here, I am sure carm will post lots of pictures as soon as he is able!

Unknown said...

Parenting is tricky and somehow the children always know when you are going out even if you leave after they're asleep.
I'm sorry you missed the movie and your night out a deux was spoilt.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Story of my life! It will get better! Once little man gets here....she will adjust (somewhat) to sharing some of that attention. While you'll be entirely too exhausted to go least you will be able to...when you are up to it! :)