Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why I hate money!

I was having a really good day! Until I called the dealer to make an appointment for my car. We have to get it tuned up and have the timing belt changed. It is way over due for the tune up and with the new baby coming we really need it done. THe car is close to 100 thousand miles so we can't afford to have it break down. Well anyway the estimated cost for the car is 800!! I have to have it done. Our local mechanic won't touch it for these type of things because it is a Hyundai and you need to be a Hyundai specialist apparently to properlyl tune them up. So as soon as our tax return check comes in it will be flying right back out....oh well at least the car will be in good shape. We still need to get tires and brakes, but the local guy will do that for us, and he is cheaper. OH well. I guess I will go and try to salvage my good day and take sarah out to the park....at least that won't cost money!

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