Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Odds and ends

It has been so long since my last post, I have many things to say, but not much time so I will try to be brief, and informative.
Things with hubby are much better, still have a way to go to have the relationship that I want and need, but we are heading in the right direction. I still wish that we could communicate more effectively. I feel like I can't talk to him without saying the wrong thing or without bothering him, sometimes it seems like he just wants me to leave him alone all the time unless it is for intimate reasons, but we are working on it and have made progress. On a positive note, we have been making big improvements on our meatloaf recipies, and are working on having meatloaf as much as we can............
Sarah is doing really well, she amazes us everyday with her cleverness, and how darn cute she can be! She loves preschool and is doing really well. She continues to do well at dance, and gymnastics, and now wants iceskating lessons......I think we can wait on those. Santa is going to be really good to her....a little to good if you ask me......we will need a bigger house soon just for her stuff. Recently we have stopped sending her to daycare because of some concerns we had with her care, so now hubby has taken on a lot of the responsibilty of her care while I am at work, so far it is going well and Sarah is a lot happier, and I am a lot less stressed.
After waiting one month, as directed by my gyn/ob we have now started trying for another baby, keep your fingers crossed for this month, I am very nervous since I have now had 2 misscarriages in a row, I am so afraid to concieve because I am certain that it will end like the others, I really want another baby, but my body seems to disagree, so please send your prayers to us......
Thanks for reading! I promise to keep up to date on my blog........as much as I can!


Flawed And Disorderly said...

Good luck! That must be soooo scary. My heart really broke for you when I heard what you were going through in your last pregnancy. We'd love to have another child, but the odds are not in our favor since we've both suffered with infertility problems. Oh well...you never know. We can always have fun trying! :)

As for the meatloaf recipes...I hope the meatloaf site has been beneficial. I need to take the time to post some things...Just bought a new Cosmo today that claims to offer interesting ideas. Yee haw! :D

carmachu said...

Yes, things are better.....but we still both have ways to go. But we'll get there...

Come on more posts dear. You can do it...