Saturday, November 11, 2006

meatloaf and other stuff

I was recently reading a blog of one of my dh's friends, and I found it very refreshing to know that there are other wives/mothers out there who have some of the same issues that I do. So if that person happens across my blog, I would like to say thank you for the meatloaf post, and remember you are not alone! I too am in the search for the perfect share with my dh of course! Right now though I have other fish to fry.....the little one has bronchitis and is being very grumpy she is highly demanding right now and it is hard to deal with, but poor dh has had her all day and now it is my back to grumpy for me!


Baby Steps said...

yum meatloaf!

Flawed And Disorderly said...

Yay! I'm so glad I wrote something meaningful to someone! A woman who isn't in the mood for meatloaf is the norm. I almost never hear of a woman who has the same appetite for meatloaf as her husband. :D I came to this site to find your email address so we can discuss some issues about LiveJournal. If I don't find one, email me at Thanks!