Wednesday, May 10, 2006

If she's lucky she will make it to 4!

MY child is currently in her room having some alone time. We were outside riding skooters, with the little girl that I watch on wednesdays. Sarah kept screaming and throwing a fit anytime she wasnt first, or anytime Shana passed her. She was being so rude and so bratty that I had enough. I took the skooter away and told her she was not playing with other children until she learned how to act! She is in her room right now reading books to herself! I cant' believe how terrible she was being....what happened to my sweet little girl. Who is this foot stomping screaming devil child???????? Lets just hope tht the sweet child emerges from her room in a bit....or I may be trading her in!

1 comment:

kimcarm said...

Ah ha.

anyway, good job!