Saturday, May 20, 2006

and Mommy was there too

Here is a pic of me and sarah with Billy Baldwin. I look awful, it was along day, we got caught out in the pouring rain more than once! So pardon the way I look.

Sarah and the celeberty

We went to a bird of prey day at a local farm. It was a big event, many big names were there, Jim Fowler of Nation geographic, Matthew Modine, Billy Baldwin, lots of events going on. We actually managed to get a picture of Sarah with Billy Baldwin, it was neat he actually turned around to talk to us while we were watching the animal show, he turned to tell us that we might want to shield sarah's eyes because the hawk was going toi bite off the mouse's head and he thought she might be scare, he was so nice, then after the show we got his picture, my friend who was with me couldn't work my camera so I had to take the pic!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Happy Day!!!

It is going to be a good day! I am very excited.......we are actually having a date night, that my husband planned all on his own.....he even set up baby sitting.......I am so excited......I wonder where we are going.......this is the first date night in almost 3 years! Now I just have to get thru work and we can get on with the fun!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

If she's lucky she will make it to 4!

MY child is currently in her room having some alone time. We were outside riding skooters, with the little girl that I watch on wednesdays. Sarah kept screaming and throwing a fit anytime she wasnt first, or anytime Shana passed her. She was being so rude and so bratty that I had enough. I took the skooter away and told her she was not playing with other children until she learned how to act! She is in her room right now reading books to herself! I cant' believe how terrible she was being....what happened to my sweet little girl. Who is this foot stomping screaming devil child???????? Lets just hope tht the sweet child emerges from her room in a bit....or I may be trading her in!

learning to grin and bear it

some times you just have to learn to stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize that all your problems really dont' mean much on a large scale. I mean hey I should really just be happy, I have a great husband who loves me and does his best to take care of us, and I have a fantastic little girl who is healthy and happy, what else do I really need?????

The New Plan

It is becoming more and more evident that living in NY is just not a good thing. Land of Taxes and high cost of living.....we are getting closer and closer to just moving somewhere else.....we are starting to think about moving south, NC sounds great......and warm! Of course this will not happen for sometime....we are looking at a 3 year plan. But it feels good to have a plan even if it is a far fetched one!

Monday, May 01, 2006

busy busy busy

Sometimes it seems that life consists of nothing but work......all I seem to do is go to work...when I am not at work I am home with Sarah, working, trying to keep up with the house....or trying to keep up with life in general....and there never seems to be enough time to just relax......when will it all end, I just want some time where nothing needs to be done and no one needs my attention!